Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I was recently asked to be Maid of Honor in my best friend's wedding. I was so excited to hear the news of her engagement and so honored to be asked to fill that role! It got me really thinking about friendship and inspired me to write about it.

Anybody who knows me knows that my family is everything to me. I wouldn't be who I am without my family and I wouldn't be able to live without them. My family is my support system, my biggest fans, my everything.

There is something about close friends, though, that is so special and amazing. I hope everyone is lucky enough to have that one friend that you can completely be yourself with. Who will never judge you, who will laugh at all your corny jokes, who still loves you even at your worst. That friend who has been there for years and years and who you know will still be the same even if you haven't talked for a while. I am lucky to have that friend in Robin. I am also lucky to have a handful of other close friends that I can count on and who have been there for me for years and years. I wouldn't be who I am without those friends who have helped shape me over the course of my life!

I have been so blessed! God not only gave me the love of my family, but also the love of my friends. You all know who you are...thank you. Thank you for being so loyal, loving, honest, and fun! There is so much joy in my life because of you.

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